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Neighborhood Watch Programs
The City of Crystal Police Department works closely with the community to provide Neighborhood Watch Programs within the city to bring together the police and community for the purpose of providing safety information to residents. these programs also teach residents how to use the 911 system, recognize suspicious activities, crime in Crystal, how criminals operate, and how to protect yourself.

Crime-free Multi-housing
The Crystal Crime-free Multi-Housing Program is a partnership between the police department, rental property owners and managers and tenants to provide a safer living environment, and reduce crime and nuisance problems in rental properties. If you have any questions with regards to Crime Free Multi-Housing, contact Officer Matthew Wright at 763- 531-1026, [email protected].

Home/Business Security Survey
The Security Survey is an effective crime prevention tool you can use to maintain or increase the security of your home or business. A survey is conducted on site by a member of the Crystal Police Department and includes an assessment of your existing hardware and/or procedural security, recommendations for any necessary improvement and other relevant crime prevention information.

This service is provided at no charge for all residents and business owners/managers. To arrange a Security Survey, call Lieutenant Pete Underthun at 763-531-1046.

Bad Check Diversion Program
As consumers and taxpayers, we all pay higher prices because of the losses associated with people issuing worthless checks. Law enforcement spends significant resources investigating and prosecuting people who issue worthless checks. The number of worthless check cases increases every year.

In response to concerns regarding worthless checks, the Crystal Police Department has implemented a worthless check diversion program. Click here for the Bad Check Diversion Program Brochure.

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City of Crystal