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Crystal Police, Crystal Public Works and the West Metro Fire Rescue District are sponsoring "Birthday Brigade" visits for legitimate birthday boys and girls age 12 or younger.

The Birthday Brigade program supports social distancing, and canceled birthday parties for young children. This program will be phased out as restrictions of large gatherings are phased out.

The event features a city vehicle stopping in front of participating households, honking a horn or sounding a siren, waving to the residents and the birthday boy or girl, and then departing. Staff cannot exit the vehicle nor linger at the home. Please, do not approach the vehicle and maintain social distancing.

Birthday Brigade visits can only occur during the work week (Monday-Friday), and during one block of time, between  9 – 11 a.m.  Have the birthday boy or girl available and ready during the requested two-hour time. 

Birthday Brigade visits will be fulfilled by one or multiple departments. It is possible no department can visit due to limited staffing and calls for service. The City of Crystal and West Metro Fire Rescue District reserves the right to cancel a “Birthday Brigade” appearance, or the entire program, without notice, 

Please complete and submit the form below for a Birthday Brigade visit. A minimum of two days advance notice is required.
Birthday Brigade Form
Contact person: 
Daytime phone: 
Child's first name: 
 Birthday party home address: 
Date of requested visit: 


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