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Park Pride Application

Park Pride Clean-up Form

The Crystal Parks and Recreation Departments are actively seeking community or neighborhood oriented groups to join the PARK PRIDE program. This program fits nicely with groups looking for community service projects and neighborhood groups that want to clean up, beautify and develop pride in the parks in our community.

This program requires a minimum of two clean up visits to a specific park location in a one year period, and/or to provide a "Park Watch" service on a year round basis. This program is open to community groups, civic organizations, churches, families and individual citizens. Park sites are chosen on a first come, first serve basis. For more information or to participate in the PARK PRIDE program call the Crystal Recreation Department at (763) 531-0052 or E-mail us.

Thank you to Park Pride participants:

 Person/Organization  Park
CFCP/Light of Crystal Bassett Creek Park
Brownwood Park Protectors Brownwood Park
Catherine Paulson/Warren Linc Crystal Highlands Park
Warnke Family Kentucky Park
Friends Fond of the Pond Memory Lane
Valley Place Park Families Valley Place Park
 Carlson Family  Winnetka Hills Park

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