The Sustainability Commission is a 12-member body dedicated to advancing the city’s sustainability efforts, serving as an advisory group to the city council on issues related to the conservation and sustainable management of environmental resources.
The commission meets the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Crystal City Hall Upper Community Room.
To join, fill out and submit this Advisory Boards and Commissions Application. Commission members appointed by the city council will represent both sections of the city, with at-large members to ensure a diverse range of perspectives.
The commission’s duties include advising the council on policies concerning air, water, energy, land, ecological resources and waste management. The commission will also act as a resource for existing advisory groups and engage the community by promoting environmental awareness and motivating interest in the protection of natural resources. It will also support city initiatives such as forestry efforts, climate action planning and participation in programs like the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's GreenStep Cities and Gold Leaf Challenge.
In addition to advising on policy, the commission will play a key role in assisting city staff with sustainability-related events and communications, fostering collaboration between local government and the public to achieve a greener, more sustainable Crystal.
Staff contact: City Manager, 763-531-1140.