Consistent with City Code, the city follows Mn/DOT Metro District for load restrictions on state and federal trunk highways. Click here for the Mn/DOT Season Load Limits webpage.
• Complete and submit the permit to [email protected].
• For questions, contact [email protected], or 763-531-1139.
It is unlawful to operate a vehicle or a combination of vehicles upon a public street, alley or highway within the city, where the gross weight on any single axle exceeds 8,000 pounds (four tons) while the spring load restrictions are in place. Limited exemptions are allowed to the spring load restriction per City Code.
• Please, email public works at [email protected] to receive a permit application that may allow a vehicle to exceed the four-ton/axle spring load limit by two-ton/axle for a total of six-ton/axle.
The City of Crystal has invested millions of dollars into street reconstruction. Studies have shown that the biggest wear and tear on streets is commercial truck traffic. To help reduce the wear and tear, commercial vehicles have weight restrictions that vary throughout the year with the different seasons. Enforcement of these weight restrictions is primarily through the use of weight scales used by specially trained law enforcement officers.
In addition to the wear and tear on streets, crashes involving commercial vehicles have the potential to do a lot of damage and cause significant injury. Beyond checking the weight of commercial vehicles, specially trained officers also look for equipment violations that may contribute to or cause accidents and are, therefore, a safety concern. The City of Crystal has one officer who is certified as a commercial vehicle inspector.
While most City streets are residential, a number of them are classified as State Aid streets. These streets are designed to carry truck traffic in support of the local transportation network.