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The Community Development Department acts to raise expectations for the community's future by maintaining a quality physical environment and protecting health and safety. The department implements the city's regulations related to the use of land and the construction of buildings. It also implements the programs and activities of the City's Economic Development Authority, including scattered site residential redevelopment.

Community Development staff:

  • The Community Development Director provides strategic direction within the department and manages department operations and budgets affecting economic development, planning and zoning, environmental health, building, and housing. In addition, the director takes the lead in commercial redevelopment activities, long-term strategic planning, and intergovernmental and interagency initiatives.
    Contact: John Sutter, 763-531-1130
  • The City Planner is the primary staffer for the city's land use regulations, including zoning, and provides staff support to the planning commission. The city planner is also the primary staffer for the city's residential redevelopment activities and programs, including scattered site redevelopment and lot sales.
    Contact: Dan Olson, 763-531-1142

  • The Code Enforcement Manager administers the city's rental licensing program and provides oversight to violation reports, including inspection and follow-up.
    Contact: Jason Zimmermann, 763-531-1143.

  • The Code Enforcement Inspector provides the primary response to violation reports, including inspection and follow-up.
    This position is currently vacant.

  • The Building Official is the primary staffer for administration, interpretation, and enforcement of building, plumbing, and mechanical codes. The BO also conducts inspections and building plan reviews.
    Contact: Joe Tomasetti, 763 -531-1146

  • The Building and Housing Inspector conducts a combination of building, plumbing, and mechanical inspections, residential property inspections, and building plan reviews.
    Contact: Jeni Taylor, 763-531-1149
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City of Crystal